Friday, April 30, 2010

Flying Pig Marathon Expo

It is obvious that this race has grown a lot since 2002 when I last ran it. They have put a lot of effort in promoting it in Cincinnati. The expo was big, their was more stuff than the NYC Marathon Expo. That probably has to do with the price of the booth. But really it was a great expo. They give you a duffle bag, poster, and technical t-shirt. Who does that. They expo had a lot of great merchandise and running apparel and shoes.Tried on some newton shoes, which weren't so bad. Tried some compression sox and cool earphone buds. The people from the Wright Pat Air Force Marathon gave away towels. This was a good, big expo. The people of Cincinnati are showing the city of in a good way. The only problem is the weather is going to bad on sunday. Thunderstorms are scheduled and 90% chance of rain. But who knows, weather changes and weather man can be bad.


The road runners club of america puts on an amazing coaching certification program. Our coaches where great today. They gave us a lot of input and a lot of stories. 8-5 in one room can be very boring, but not with Patti and Waren Finke. They put on a great class, and I am looking forward to tomorrows session. They put on the the Portland Marathon Training program, and then live the other half of the year in Kona. What a life. They are experienced ultra marathoners and I believe gave me a lot of insight for my coaching and my running on a personal level.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

RRCA Coaching class

Going to bed soon. I have to wake up early and go to downtown Cincinnati for the RRCA Coaching Certification class. It should be good, learn all about road running and what it takes to be a coach. It should be much more relevent to what I am doing than the USATF Certification class was. Well it is off to bed, I will tweet to keep everyone informed tomorrow.


I am off to Cincinnati today. For everyone in the group good luck with the run tonight. Carol and Matt will take good care of you. Enjoy the run and I will be there next week, when we lead the Brooks Summer Running Series.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Testing tweet feed


Looking forward to the Flying Pig Marathon it should be a blast.  Leave in two days, Cincinnati in May can be hot.

Brooks Summer Run Series

Everypace is excited to anounce that we will be leading the Brooks Summer Run Series at the Running Company at Time Warner Center this summer. The first run will be next Thursday May 6th. If you come to all four you will get a Brooks T-Shirt. You can also get credit for the shirt if you attend one of the runs at the east side Running Company.  Look forward to seeing everyone next week. I will be in Cincinnati this week so I won't be at the run. Carol will lead the run and if you have any questions call the store and ask for Matt O.

Dates May 6th, June Thursday, June 3rd - 6:30PM Thursday, July 1st - 6:30PM Thursday, and August 5th - 6:30PM. Come to all four and get a brooks t-shirt.

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

This is an exciting week at Everypace and for me personally. The spring marathon/half marathon season is upon us.  Last Weekend two of our runners Nagendra and Neil had races. Nagandra ran his first 5K in 34 minutes, a great accomplishment for him. Neil ran the Lehigh Valley Half Marathon in 2:16:11. Congratulations to both Neil and Nagendra on their races this past weekend. Good luck to Rajay who is running the Jersey Shore 1/2 Marathon this coming weekend. I am running the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon on Sunday and hope to have another PR on that course. It will be fun to go home and see the sights and sounds of the 'nati.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just finished training wendie six miles on the river
Headed to coach
Headed to coach

Everypace Group Runs Free Every Thursday at the NY Running Company

Join us at the New York Running Company every Thursday at 6:30pm. The run is open for Everyone at EVERYPACE or any distance.   Our runs are a place for people to have a comfortable place to run. 


Hey everyone, my imac crashed so I am tranferring everything to google blogspot from my website. For the time being check this out for any information you need on everypace. still active and still will a source of information. This will be  using this as my blog for more constant stream of information

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Training Widget