Sunday, November 21, 2010

JFK 50

JFK 50, my 2nd 50 miler. Great race, great time, good stories.

It started off Friday morning meeting Keila to take the bus to the car rental place. We headed down to Maryland, stopping at a dinner near the NJ/PA border for lunch. Then drove down to Maryland, stopped at Antietam battlefield to take a look around and get my NPS stamp, stamped. Then we headed to the Hampton inn in Hagerstown, but my room was at the Hampton Inn on the wrong side of Haggerstown. I called frantically to the days inn and they had a spot for me. Stayed at the shittiest hotels, the Days Inn, one can imagine, under construction. Went to bed, woke up early, picked up Keila at the Hampton Inn. Grabbed some coffee and some pbj on a bagel. Then we drove down to the Boonesboro HS parking lot.

Shit, can't the JFK 50 be more eco-friendly, lets get some shuttle buses so people don't have to drive like crazy around the parking at 6am.Not too mention on the styrofoam cups on the course
We waited in line for porto-lets and checked in on the meeting in the hs gym. Walked over the finish line so Keila could get to the front so she could place well.

The run: We started running through the streets of Boonesboro. Then the first hill came on the roads, and I decided not to waste energy running on a hill in mile 1 or 2. Then we hit the AT ran into Emmy, Frank, and and met Joe on the trail. Figured to follow them as rabbits on the trail so I wouldn't waste too much energy on the AT. Good plan. Then met fellow marathon maniac Rebbecca on the switchback phase of the trail.

The C & O canal didn't start out as boring as everyone said it would be. It was nice on the river overlooking WV and famous towns such as Harpers Ferry and ran passed Antietam.  Felt like I was running through the sights of the Civil War.

On the canal I ran up to Elaine whom I met and Caumsett and at the Bart Yasso shakeout run at the Running Company. Then I was feeling good and ran ahead of her a bit. At mile 30 I really was feeling good, realized I had basically a half-marathon on the canal and should treat it as a half-marathon. Ran by a lot a people over about a 11 mile stretch felt real good till mile 41. Spoke with the guy from Brooklyn right before the turn off on to the roads and he gave me the best advice for the rolling hills walk the ups and run the downs. It worked perfectly. it felt like a nice little 8 mile road race. It started off great, by seeing the Ohio State Buckeye Flags with the volunteers cheering us on.

The road. It was awesome the support of Washington County Maryland is on par with Brooklyn (NYC) and Wriggleyville (Chi). If not a little bit more excitement, because you could feel it was a community event.

The final kick. At around mile 39 a girl came up to me, and I was like lets draft on each other for the last mile for a nice strong finishing kick. I felt good, great run. Saw the big Montrail sign and just started running. Awesome finish, nice medal with the JFK picture. Went to the junior high gym for a change of clothes and a vegan black bean burrito. Nice finish area, missed the finish line beer, but that's understandable considering the finish is in a school. They were giving messages and a great place to enjoy the festivities .

At the gym finish I met up with Keila, who finished 9th, even with a sprained ankle. She with out a doubt could of done better if not for the ankle. But with the ankle she did an amazing job for her first 50. 9th place in such a great ultra.

Overall I enjoyed JFK tremendously, would without a doubt do it again and again. Maybe I will try to get in the 500 or 1,000 mile club. We will see. 

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