Sunday, November 21, 2010

JFK 50

JFK 50, my 2nd 50 miler. Great race, great time, good stories.

It started off Friday morning meeting Keila to take the bus to the car rental place. We headed down to Maryland, stopping at a dinner near the NJ/PA border for lunch. Then drove down to Maryland, stopped at Antietam battlefield to take a look around and get my NPS stamp, stamped. Then we headed to the Hampton inn in Hagerstown, but my room was at the Hampton Inn on the wrong side of Haggerstown. I called frantically to the days inn and they had a spot for me. Stayed at the shittiest hotels, the Days Inn, one can imagine, under construction. Went to bed, woke up early, picked up Keila at the Hampton Inn. Grabbed some coffee and some pbj on a bagel. Then we drove down to the Boonesboro HS parking lot.

Shit, can't the JFK 50 be more eco-friendly, lets get some shuttle buses so people don't have to drive like crazy around the parking at 6am.Not too mention on the styrofoam cups on the course
We waited in line for porto-lets and checked in on the meeting in the hs gym. Walked over the finish line so Keila could get to the front so she could place well.

The run: We started running through the streets of Boonesboro. Then the first hill came on the roads, and I decided not to waste energy running on a hill in mile 1 or 2. Then we hit the AT ran into Emmy, Frank, and and met Joe on the trail. Figured to follow them as rabbits on the trail so I wouldn't waste too much energy on the AT. Good plan. Then met fellow marathon maniac Rebbecca on the switchback phase of the trail.

The C & O canal didn't start out as boring as everyone said it would be. It was nice on the river overlooking WV and famous towns such as Harpers Ferry and ran passed Antietam.  Felt like I was running through the sights of the Civil War.

On the canal I ran up to Elaine whom I met and Caumsett and at the Bart Yasso shakeout run at the Running Company. Then I was feeling good and ran ahead of her a bit. At mile 30 I really was feeling good, realized I had basically a half-marathon on the canal and should treat it as a half-marathon. Ran by a lot a people over about a 11 mile stretch felt real good till mile 41. Spoke with the guy from Brooklyn right before the turn off on to the roads and he gave me the best advice for the rolling hills walk the ups and run the downs. It worked perfectly. it felt like a nice little 8 mile road race. It started off great, by seeing the Ohio State Buckeye Flags with the volunteers cheering us on.

The road. It was awesome the support of Washington County Maryland is on par with Brooklyn (NYC) and Wriggleyville (Chi). If not a little bit more excitement, because you could feel it was a community event.

The final kick. At around mile 39 a girl came up to me, and I was like lets draft on each other for the last mile for a nice strong finishing kick. I felt good, great run. Saw the big Montrail sign and just started running. Awesome finish, nice medal with the JFK picture. Went to the junior high gym for a change of clothes and a vegan black bean burrito. Nice finish area, missed the finish line beer, but that's understandable considering the finish is in a school. They were giving messages and a great place to enjoy the festivities .

At the gym finish I met up with Keila, who finished 9th, even with a sprained ankle. She with out a doubt could of done better if not for the ankle. But with the ankle she did an amazing job for her first 50. 9th place in such a great ultra.

Overall I enjoyed JFK tremendously, would without a doubt do it again and again. Maybe I will try to get in the 500 or 1,000 mile club. We will see. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mountain Madness

On Saturday I ran the Mountain Madness Trail 50K in Ringwood, New Jersey. It was loads of fun, extremely challenging, and an overall good time. It was my first ultra that I ran that garnered a 5 rating of out of 5 in ultrarunning magazine.  The beginning of  the race was a little strange, because people took down the course markers and a lot of the runners got lost. But once we figured out the right way to go everything was fine. On a trail race you really need to be paying attention to the trail markers. In the future I will probably carry the course map, just in case something happens. I was thinking of the runner in Arkansas who was lost.

The course it was hilly, very rocky. As Yuen one of the other people from NYC that I rode up to the race with said "it was more of power hiking" than running. I am definitely glad I did the race to get help train my trail legs. Trail running is a lot different than road running, and you got to watch your step. Definatly a lot of fun, and a bit more diversity in the scenery.

I want to thank Scott for driving me up. It was great to meet Garth and Yuen in the car. It was nice running with Garth during the first part of the race and giving me a lot of insight to the sport of ultra running and strategy for dealing with the uphill climbs. It was great meeting other runners on the trail It was great to see all of the New Jersey ultra runners. Hopefully I can get back out to some more the New Jersey Trail Races. The race director Rick and Jennifer did a great job in putting on the race. Awesome time, not getting lost and finishing in a respectable time for this challenging race.  The post race barbecue was great with Boca Burgers and some Pork Slab Beer, probably my second favorite canned beer after Dales Pale Ale.

Overall it was great race, felt I had legs for more at the end which is a good sign. Ready for New York in 2 1/2 weeks and JFK in November.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Got interviewed by Bart Yasso yesterday about the NYC Marathon at the NY Running Company. Here is a pic.
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Sunday, August 22, 2010

Extra Terrestrial 51k

Sitting in my hotel room relaxing after the ET 51k in Rachel, NV. My quads are still in pain after the 1,000 foot clime. The race was an adventurer, not only the race. First the packet pickup was at the hard rock cafe. It was interesting to see the mixture of runners and par tiers at around 8:30 Saturday night. The next part of the adventure was the bus ride. The bus driver passed every car, semi, other buses going at top speed over the dark single lane highways. That was a little scary.

The race: the extra terrestrial full moon 51k, marathon, half marathon, and 10k. I ran the 51k. Everyone we met at the black mail box on the extra terrestrial highway, this is the box where federal agents know where to turn into area 51. All of the runners where given glow necklaces. Everyone had to where a headlamp. The 51k and marathon began at midnight and we ran. The half and 10k drove up the road to start. It was flat for the first 9 miles or so. I was feeling real good and pushed it a little too much. Then it gradually got steeper and steeper. Miles12-13 where the worst, it was an extremely long clime from 4500-5500 feet in elevation.

After the hill it became steady and I got my groove back, then my dinner started rumbling in my stomach. The pain in my quads caught up to me around mile 22-26. By mile 28 I started feeling good again. Had good conversation with a fellow Brooks ID member from california and pushed it the last mile and passed a bunch of people.

Running under the stars was awesome. The headlamp, while the fool moon was out made it harder to see. I turned it off and got to see some great views of the stars. When the fool moon went down around 4am it became pitch black.

Overall it was a great race and a great time. Awesome t-shirt, neat metal.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Streets

Just got back from the Running Company group run. Paced Veronica and she did an excellent job on the run. We ran the summer streets down to the Brooklyn Bridge via Park Avenue. Got a feel for running through the city and in parts of the city I never run in. Great weather. Running through Grand Central and next the Commodore Vanderbilt statue was very cool. The annoying thing was that you had to stop for the lights at the various intersections. After stopping back at the Running Company I did another loop through Central park and headed home. Good run, great to be able run through the streets, wish I had done it in years past. I remember thinking of doing it last year and the year before, but didn't do it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Brooks summer series run #4

Thanks to Brooks, Jennifer, and John for helping have a great Brooks summer series. Awesome run, we had a great turnout. Hope everyone enjoyed the run. It was hot, so I was very impressed with the great turnout. Hopefully we will have Brooks back for more runs.

Happy running

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Coaching Update

It has been a couple weeks since I posted, but I have a big announcement. I just have been notified that I have officially passed the RRCA Coaching Certification test and thus I am know a running coach.  I am also excited about my group run tonight at the NY Running Company with Brooks as part of the summer running series. I am also excited about the Half Marathon and Marathon Training Programs that I am beginning to offer. The Half Marathon program is going to start this Saturday outside the Museum of Natural History at 8 am. Happy Running.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Carol wins

Congrats to everypace runner Carol Buonanno on winning the Mayapple 100k in New Jersey. Good job Carol. She has run to ultras and one them both. Watch out new York ultra marathoners for Carol.

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Everypace Update

Looking forward the Everypace run tonight at the New York Running Company. Check out the link for the newsletter.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Friday, May 7, 2010

Good time last night at Everypace run. Lots of people showed up. Brooks was kid enough to provide bannas, pizza, and beer. I am still a bit sore from the Flying Pig going to take another day off. Will try to go for 8 or so tomorrow. Looking forward to cheer on Wendie at the mothers day race on Sunday. Good luck to everyone running the north face challenge or li greenbelt 50k.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Everypace Weekly Newsletter

Check out the newsletter for this week. Tomorrow is the first of the Brooks Summer Series Run and check out the information on the summer/fall half marathon and fall marathon training programs I am offering.

Everypace Newsletter this week


Calf still is bothering me from Sunday. Taking another day off. Wish I could run in this beautiful weather. Looking forward to the everypace group run tomorrow and the first of the Brooks Summer Running Series.
Have been wearing the compression sox for the past couple days to help with the calf, kind of wish I wore them for the race on Sunday. Oh well, what can you do.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mat's 2010 Flying Pig

Mat's 2010 Flying Pig

Flying pig marathon report

The flying pig marathon was wet, it was a great race and a good time had by all. At the beginning of the it was pouring rain with thunderstorms. Waited In Paul brown stadium for a bit before the start. The race was very crowded at the beginning with all of the half marathon, relay runners and marathoners. The rain wasn't so horrible, but the course with 3 bridges in the first 4 miles, and then the killer hills of Eden park is brutal. Lots of pounding with so much downhill running. Started feeling real good at mile 23 and pushed my pace, but then started cramping up around mile 25. Overall I have to be happy with my performance considering the rain and humidity and the hills.

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Saturday, May 1, 2010

The pig in the rain

Going to bed soon. The race looks like it will be wet. Thunderstorms are predicted for the morning which is not good. Hopefully they will hold off. But who knows, the weather is out of my control or any of our control. I am feeling good, I got my plan together and we will see what will happen. This is my first marathon since I started running the ultras. So hopefully I will finish strong and feel good. Need to watch up for the hills. The rest of the coaching seminar went good and looking forward to taking the test. I will tweet updates from the start line in the morning.

Good night.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Flying Pig Marathon Expo

It is obvious that this race has grown a lot since 2002 when I last ran it. They have put a lot of effort in promoting it in Cincinnati. The expo was big, their was more stuff than the NYC Marathon Expo. That probably has to do with the price of the booth. But really it was a great expo. They give you a duffle bag, poster, and technical t-shirt. Who does that. They expo had a lot of great merchandise and running apparel and shoes.Tried on some newton shoes, which weren't so bad. Tried some compression sox and cool earphone buds. The people from the Wright Pat Air Force Marathon gave away towels. This was a good, big expo. The people of Cincinnati are showing the city of in a good way. The only problem is the weather is going to bad on sunday. Thunderstorms are scheduled and 90% chance of rain. But who knows, weather changes and weather man can be bad.


The road runners club of america puts on an amazing coaching certification program. Our coaches where great today. They gave us a lot of input and a lot of stories. 8-5 in one room can be very boring, but not with Patti and Waren Finke. They put on a great class, and I am looking forward to tomorrows session. They put on the the Portland Marathon Training program, and then live the other half of the year in Kona. What a life. They are experienced ultra marathoners and I believe gave me a lot of insight for my coaching and my running on a personal level.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

RRCA Coaching class

Going to bed soon. I have to wake up early and go to downtown Cincinnati for the RRCA Coaching Certification class. It should be good, learn all about road running and what it takes to be a coach. It should be much more relevent to what I am doing than the USATF Certification class was. Well it is off to bed, I will tweet to keep everyone informed tomorrow.


I am off to Cincinnati today. For everyone in the group good luck with the run tonight. Carol and Matt will take good care of you. Enjoy the run and I will be there next week, when we lead the Brooks Summer Running Series.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Testing tweet feed


Looking forward to the Flying Pig Marathon it should be a blast.  Leave in two days, Cincinnati in May can be hot.

Brooks Summer Run Series

Everypace is excited to anounce that we will be leading the Brooks Summer Run Series at the Running Company at Time Warner Center this summer. The first run will be next Thursday May 6th. If you come to all four you will get a Brooks T-Shirt. You can also get credit for the shirt if you attend one of the runs at the east side Running Company.  Look forward to seeing everyone next week. I will be in Cincinnati this week so I won't be at the run. Carol will lead the run and if you have any questions call the store and ask for Matt O.

Dates May 6th, June Thursday, June 3rd - 6:30PM Thursday, July 1st - 6:30PM Thursday, and August 5th - 6:30PM. Come to all four and get a brooks t-shirt.

Tuesday Morning Thoughts

This is an exciting week at Everypace and for me personally. The spring marathon/half marathon season is upon us.  Last Weekend two of our runners Nagendra and Neil had races. Nagandra ran his first 5K in 34 minutes, a great accomplishment for him. Neil ran the Lehigh Valley Half Marathon in 2:16:11. Congratulations to both Neil and Nagendra on their races this past weekend. Good luck to Rajay who is running the Jersey Shore 1/2 Marathon this coming weekend. I am running the Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon on Sunday and hope to have another PR on that course. It will be fun to go home and see the sights and sounds of the 'nati.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Just finished training wendie six miles on the river
Headed to coach
Headed to coach

Everypace Group Runs Free Every Thursday at the NY Running Company

Join us at the New York Running Company every Thursday at 6:30pm. The run is open for Everyone at EVERYPACE or any distance.   Our runs are a place for people to have a comfortable place to run. 


Hey everyone, my imac crashed so I am tranferring everything to google blogspot from my website. For the time being check this out for any information you need on everypace. still active and still will a source of information. This will be  using this as my blog for more constant stream of information

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Training Widget